Home > February and March 2014

February and March 2014

April 7th, 2014 at 04:22 pm

February performance
Cash & Savings: $77,578 => $84,184 (8.52%)
Foreign Currency: $37,819 => $37,695 (-0.33%)
Domestic Brokerage: $214,869 => $228,017 (6.12%)
International Brokerage: $221,573 => $226,798 (2.36%)
401(k): $116,678 => $122,664 (5.13%)
IRA: $41,238 > $42,878 (3.98%)
Roth IRA: $101,651 => $105,733 (4.02%)
Total Assets: $811,406 => $847,969 (4.51%)

March performance
Cash & Savings: $84,184 => $87,194 (3.58%)
Foreign Currency: $37,695 => $37,717 (0.06%)
Domestic Brokerage: $228,017 => $223,675 (-1.9%)
International Brokerage: $226,798 => $229,632 (1.25%)
401(k): $122,664 => $125,620 (2.41%)
IRA: $42,878 > $42,534 (-0.8%)
Roth IRA: $105,733 => $104,359 (-1.3%)
Total Assets: $847,969 => $850,731 (0.33%)

As mentioned in my January report I’m continuing to lower my cash/income position in my 401(k) account. Last December it was close to 40% and by February it was down to 20%.

I also need to adjust my positions in international brokerage accounts but so far I haven’t had sufficient time to determine when to make the adjustments. My broker kept saying that I should replace my existing funds immediately but that would mean suffering big losses on one of the three funds so mentally I’m reluctantly to proceed. (bond fund up by 15%, one stock fund up by 8%, one stock fund down by 25%)

2 Responses to “February and March 2014”

  1. Rachael777 Says:

    Looks good. I would be interested to hear your stock strategies. you are getting very good returns. Smile

  2. Easy Cloud Says:

    Currently my stock strategy is to sell all my losers. I had success from buying blue chip stocks 10 to 15 years ago but after that they are mostly failures. After all these years I am getting much more conservative on buying stocks and prefer to buy index funds or mutual funds. I currently have 16 stocks in total but several of them came from one company - Philip Morris. It went from that to Altria, then to Kraft, then to Mondelez.

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