Home > More than the lost decade - Dow 3200, S&P 410

More than the lost decade - Dow 3200, S&P 410

March 3rd, 2009 at 01:39 am

Two days ago I posted an entry with my February 2009 review and commented about the buzz about "The Lost Decade". Well, guess what? Dow just dropped to level not since 1997.

If this is truely the excess built since the early 90s as I mentioned in the last entry, then today's closing point is nothing since we still have five more years to go.

Other than trimming the fat the market also tends to overshoot itself, whether on its way up or on its way down. With that in mind, Dow was about 3200 points and S&P was 410 points by end of 92. That means roughly another 55% and 40% to drop from today's level.

Interestingly, on Kudlow's show today someone said the opposite. He believes in a few days S&P will hit its lowest point of the year. I sure hope he's right.

2 Responses to “More than the lost decade - Dow 3200, S&P 410”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I hope that you are wrong...but if you are right I will definitely congratulate you on your foresight. I just keep reminding myself I'm buying shares at a great discount! Obviously, it is going to take some time for them to appreciate, too.

  2. Easy Cloud Says:

    The only other TV talking head who is as bearish as me I guess is Suze Orman. She said it may take up to 18 years for us to recover from this mess. I don't know how she got that number and I don't agree everything she says, however, she's the most conservative personality and she's been very consistent on her message, for which I give her more respect then those swingers.

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